Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why Politicize The Nonpolitical ? Part 3

Why politicize that which is completely unrelated to politics? I never get an honest answer to this question. When those who share an ideology are so utterly without accomplishment that a smokescreen of lies, twisted half-truths and propagandist fairy tales are all they have left one must question the credibility, intelligence and integrity of their entire ideological collective.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why Politicize The Nonpolitical? Part 2

Why politicize that which is completely unrelated to politics? Are those who share your ideology so utterly without accomplishment that you can find nothing worth writing about in any positive light?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Why Politicize the Nonpolitical? Part 1

Why politicize that which is completely unrelated to politics? Has the party you support done nothing worth writing about in any positive light? Have the politics of your party caused them to be so utterly without accomplishment that you're left with nothing positive to say

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Obama Escalates War On Christianity, Targets Vatican

President Obama is allegedly closing the the US Embassy at the Vatican in retaliation for Catholic objections to parts of Obamacare. This stupidity is the latest lie-fest circulating through the blogs and conspiracy sites that Teahadists, Republicants and the rest of the lunatic fringe regard as actual "news." Except he's not. Duh.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Another Stupid Teabagger, What A Surprise

I logged into another blog site this morning and as usual was immediately greeted with yet another post by a Conservative mouthpiece who seemingly can't tell the difference between fact and fiction,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

One Killed, Seven Wounded At LAX

At 9:20 AM Pacific Time Friday morning, 1 Nov 2013, a man walked into Los Angeles International Airport, pulled a bunch of high powered baseball bats from his bag and began swinging them and throwing them at the crowd.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Celebrating Halloween, Republican Style

Tonight I think I'll introduce the trick-or-treating children to Conservative Economics 101.

I'll take some candy from each of them then give it all to the kid who already has the most. My solemn promise that a wealth of candy will trickle down to them will no doubt fill their bags to overflowing.
