Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House Releases Full Obama Birth Certificate

From this Huffington Post article

Attention conspiracy theorists, "birthers" and Tea Party supporters, full and final proof has now been given regarding what the rest of us already knew. President Obama was born in the US, is a US Citizen and is therefore eligible for the position he now holds. You must now accept the reality that Obama is your president. Get over it.

John McCain, Obama's opponent in the last election, was not born in the United States. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone, an unincorporated US territory. Persons born in the Canal Zone were not granted citizenship status, only the status of US national. While this was later changed and applied retroactively it doesn't change the fact that McCain was not a natural born US citizen as is required of anyone running for the Presidency. Oddly enough, there was no fringe group of ultra-liberals proclaiming him ineligible for the job or demanding he withdraw from the race. There was no public outcry, it was barely even given any mention at all.

The next time you latch onto some ridiculous theory supported by zero proof of any kind and feel the need to use that theory as a means to justify your own personal bigotry or to farther your own agenda of hate, divisiveness or political bias please do the rest of the country a favor, sit down and shut up. There are issues facing this nation which are far more important than proving yet again what has already been proven numerous times.

Thank you.

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